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Mathieu Pucheault
Marion, Xavier and Mélanie presented their work on photodecaging of boron derivatives (MB), fluorination and oxadefluorination (XB), and...

Mathieu Pucheault
Welcome to the team, Xavier
Xavier Bertrand just joined the team as a PhD Student working in collaboration with Prof Jean Francois Paquin (Université de Laval,...

Mathieu Pucheault
Team Off for several weeks
Due to COVID-19 pandemy, the lab has shut down its experimental activities until further notice. You can still contact us for discussion...

Mathieu Pucheault
Mathieu appointed as Molecules Editorial Board Member

Mathieu Pucheault
Welcome Harsha, Rémi, Marion
Harshavardhan Reddy Kasireddy joined the lab as a postdoc. Rémy Ferlet joined the lab as an Assistant Engineer. Marion Boyet joined the...

Mathieu Pucheault
Congratulations to Mélodie Birepinte !
Mélodie successfully (and brilliantly) defended her Ph.D. work in front of a committee composed of Dr. Didier Bourrissou, Dr. Nicolas...

Mathieu Pucheault
So Long Alessandra, Federica, Théo
Thanks for your time here, we had a great time.
Mathieu Pucheault
Welcome to Marion and Romain
Marion Boyet from Univeristy of Lyon and Romain Borel from Université of Nice Sophia Antipolis joined the lab as new PhD candidates !...

Mathieu Pucheault
New Website online !
Our new website is now live ! Check out our research projects, the members and the fluidic organic synthesis platform ! #newwebsite...

Mathieu Pucheault
Lab retreat in Saint Jacques des Blats
We had snow, and fun ! #labretreat #pucheault

Mathieu Pucheault
REVERSE Project starting
The funded REVERSE project officially started. Time to get somebody motivated for working on the next generation of hydrogen fuel storage...

Mathieu Pucheault
Mathieu appointed as Scientific Reports Editorial Board Member
Mathieu joined Scientific Reports as an Editorial Board Member
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